July 29, 2009
5 Liner

Wah i've lao sai'd like 3 times today liao..

Thank God for His mercy upon my life.

My housemate just made pancakes from scratch and they tasted good!!

First assignment due this Friday!

Made a new friend called Jess today!


I'm back finally on this blog after veh long. I don't even think anyone comes here anymore! Just to update!

I've got heaps to catch up on in terms of studies. I haven't gotten used to the weather yet. Takes me awhile to sleep coz my feet would freeze up! I really miss every single one back home. Am excited of what's to come in the following months before I return.

Thank you everyone who took time off to see me off at the airport! You all are a great blessing to me.

July 19, 2009

sorry blawg. u'll serve ur purpose soon when i return in a week's time. :]

July 11, 2009
New pair.

My ma says I look like him with the new specs lol!

July 9, 2009

Loving and fearing You with my life.

John Bevere's gift of bringing the Word out in such clarity amazes me. I highly recommend everyone to grab any of John Bevere's books and start reading away. I started with Drawing Near earlier this year and learnt/received so much from it. Even his sermons are so filled with the Holy Spirit.

I'm gonna wait patiently for the next koorong sale! hehehehehe.

July 8, 2009
Like A Fire

Let Your Spirit
Come and move within
Fill me once again
I need more

Jesus I'm desperate for You
Jesus I'm hungry for You
Jesus I'm longing for You
Lord You are, all I want

July 4, 2009

Haven't been blogging for awhile. DUH.

Let's see what's been going on? How about a 5 liner update? Haven't used it in awhile

3 More weekends and I'll be off! Back to Melbourne for Winter to freeze my toes off!

I've finally got enough cash to buy my contacts that I've been wanting since forever.

I'm uber pumped for church. Can't wait to see YI fall under His power! HEHE. 5 lines liao tens!

July 1, 2009

Thank You HS.
You're awesome.
I want to use whatever circumstance/situation/problem/suffering to glorify You.
